Overseas Education Study Abroad

Visa Application Made Easy by Education Consultants in Noida

A visa is an endorsement attached to a passport (an official document proving an individual’s identity and citizenship, thereby allowing his travel to, and from, foreign countries) indicating that the applicant is granted authorisation to enter, leave, or stay in a country for a specified amount of time, and is allowed to do activities as defined by the type of Visa.

Visa is categorised based on the purpose it serves. Out of the 25 categories, the most commonly applied types are Tourist Visas, Medical Visas, Student Visas, Business visas, Employment visas, Intern visas, Film visas, and Research visas.

The official Indian website to apply for a Visa online lists three simple steps. The first step is to fill out and submit the Visa form online. The second step is to apply along with the required documents at the Indian Visa Application Center. The third step is to receive the Visa from the center. While easy it may sound, the entire application right through to the end, is a tedious process.

Hence, education consultants providing guidance for Visa applications prove beneficial as it makes the process hassle-free. Apart from this, there are also occasions when one finds it difficult to navigate through the categories and the many official document submission businesses. At a juncture like this one, seeking guidance from Education consultants proves to be beneficial.

Overseas Education Consultants provide services that help with applying for a Visa online, filling out the application forms, submitting documents, and finally collecting the Visa. Overseas Education consultants help students choose a suitable country to study abroad, counsel them on the up-and-coming courses and universities, help plan the accommodation, finances, travel, submitting documents, applying for a Passport and Visa, and guiding on the necessary things to be done to apply to universities overseas.

Overseas Education Consultants in Noida

Noida, a planned city to the south-east of New Delhi has multiple students planning to study abroad. This brings in business to a wide range of study abroad consultants. Located mainly in Sector 18, Sector 2, and Sector 63, more than 15+ consultancies are prominently reputed. Each of them has their key features. Some of the well-known centres according to Google search include:

  1. Overseas Education Lane: Located in Sector 2, Noida, this agency has distinct 14 steps to help students from the selection of the course to study abroad, right to completing the process and beginning the course.
  2. Innvictis Edutech: Located in Sector 32, Noida, this consultancy guides career counselling, and provides help with the process of applying for MBBS overseas.
  3. Yes Germany Noida: Located in Sector 15, this agency helps students with applying for Bachelor, Master, and Vocational training specifically in Germany
  4. Edumorphs: Located in Sector 94, this consultancy focuses on the holistic needs of the student by providing pre-application, during-application, and post-application processes.
  5. CIES Overseas Education: Located in Sector 18, this consultancy focuses primarily on preparation for IELTS, writing of SOP along with guidance on overseas education.

Study Overseas Help

Study Overseas Help is a study abroad consultancy that provides comprehensive services related to finding, applying, and enrolling to universities in foreign countries like the UK, Dubai, Canada, Italy, Ireland, and more.

How do they help with Visa applications?

As mentioned at the beginning of the blog, there are different types and categories of Visas and different requirements for each. Moreover, the Visa application for each country has a different requirement list. Overseas education consultants in Noida help navigate this process and make the task relatively hassle-free.

The visa application process can be classified under three categories; the first is the pre-visa application requirements, the second is the application for the Visa with the required documents, and the final step is paying the Visa fee, and getting the Visa issued. Find below the step-by-step process of how Study Overseas Help aids with the Visa application process.

Step 1: Finalizing a Course

Overseas education consultants in Noida have this important line-up of activities to be done before applying for the Visa. It all begins with guiding you to find the best course for you to study based upon your interests and aptitude. This is smoothly transitioned into finding the best programs you can study, and the best universities you can apply for your admissions

Step 2: Finalizing a Country

Each country has their regulations and requirements to grant a Visa. Although the overall process is the same, there are minor differences. So, once the country to study in is finalized, you apply for admission and wait till you get the acceptance letter because this is essential to apply for a Visa. Most overseas countries provide the services of helping their students get a visa, but it is always wise to get help from consultants as they know the process precisely.

Step 3: Prerequisite Documents

Before applying for a Visa, here are the documents you might need. Again, as mentioned in the previous point, there will be differences in the documents required in each country, but here are some necessary ones:

  • A valid original Passport
  • A passport-style photo that follows the guidelines mentioned
  • A letter of Acceptance/Admission from the University
  • Proof of enough finances to cover the tuition, accommodation and medical expenses
  • Salary transcripts of the student’s Sponsor from the home country
  • Proof of accommodation in the applied country
  • Academic Transcripts
  • Proof of Medical Fitness
  • English Language Proficiency Test or Language Proficiency based on the country’s National Language.

Step 4: Apply for the online form

In this step, the official website is visited and the online application form is filled with due details. Documents are attached as directed. An important factor that the consultants take care of is the timing of the application. If a Visa is applied early, you might end up reducing the time duration in the country of study. If it is applied too late, you might miss the scholarships, grants, and miss classes. Hence, the timing is crucial and is helped out by the consultants.

Step 5: Pay the fees

In this step, once the application form is filled, you pay the Visa fees. If you are eligible for a scholarship that covers your Visa fees, attach the respective documents. Keep in mind that each country has different Visa fees, and grants accordingly

Step 6: Book an appointment

Here, you book an appointment with the office in charge of the applied country and take along the application form and other mentioned documents. For some Visa processes, you can pay the fees after the appointment.

This finalises your Visa application. All the tiny details like the type of photograph, the number of documents, and the scholarships applicable are all taken care of by the education consultancies. Once the Visa application is verified, you receive your Visa

Happy travelling and Happy learning!

Overseas Education Study Abroad

Your Life as a Student in a Foreign Country, What to Expect!

The life of a student changes drastically the moment you decide on going abroad for your studies. The decision is always full of fright and apprehensions as it will be a life away from your friends and family. It is a life to build your career and make new friends. It is a life full of unprecedented incidents and hope.

So what can you expect when you go to study abroad?

5 Things to Expect in Life When you Study Abroad

Overseas education is not for the faint-hearted. It is for people who wish to explore and travel, have a little adventure, and shine bright in life. So, when you set out on this course, here are the five things you can expect in life when you study abroad.

  1. Wanderlust:

Studying abroad opens your door to unlimited adventure as you will fulfil your desire to explore and travel. The initial phase is always full of the “wow effect” as you see new things, lead a new lifestyle, walk down a new road.

  1. A Life Without Family and Friends:

When you leave your home for overseas education, prepare yourself to lead a life without family, friends, and familiar faces. Once you set your foot in a foreign land, your lifestyle will change, and your journey will involve making new friends. Even though you miss your family, you learn to embrace the hardship of life with new friends.

  1. Learn to be Responsible:

Studying abroad makes a person responsible. Even if you don’t enjoy it, you will learn to live independently and care for yourself. It is a phase where you take responsibility for your action. You can no more rely on your parents to make things right for you, but do it all yourself.

  1. A Multi-Cultural Interaction:

As you go abroad to study, you come across thousands of people from different countries in your college. The universities provide grounds for multi-cultural interactions. It helps you to understand different traditions and nationalities. This opportunity of mixing with people from different corners of the world lifts the barrier of pre perception about culture and brings in an understanding mentality.

  1. Confidence Development:

One of the best things overseas education does to a student is, invoke a sense of confidence in the person. As you now understand cultures better, you feel confident while meeting people. You will be able to enjoy a conversation with an open mind. “Icebreaking” during group discussions becomes easier for people, preparing them for future job prospects. Self-dependence is a major factor behind the confidence you gain from your life abroad.

Final Thoughts

Studying abroad is not a bed of roses for students. There are several hiccups on the way. As you miss your family in the new life abroad, you can expect many bright sides. Getting your wanderlust fulfilled is one of the most exciting events. Furthermore, if you wish to study abroad in any European country, you learn new languages, meet with people from different corners of the globe, and grow confident.

Study Abroad

Challenges and Opportunities for an Education Abroad

To study abroad at a university in a place full of strangers and with a completely different environment, culture and customs can be overwhelming. But if the institution you get admitted to is a worthy one, the people around you friendly and welcoming, and the culture warm and accepting, then the experience can become one of life’s most fulfilling ones and this challenge can be turned into an opportunity. To study overseas is therefore a challenge which can be turned into a life changing opportunity through hard work, force of will, confidence and a little help from us.

They say ‘well begun is half done’. So let us talk about the challenges first.

• A Different Culture
One of the biggest challenges that a student faces upon reaching their place of study in a foreign country is the cultural shock. The country they arrive in has a different language, a different set of customs and different cultural traits. While writing a foreign language and reading it for the sake of academics seems pretty easy, having to converse and carry out your everyday activities in a language other than your mother tongue can become frustrating and difficult. And while language may be the biggest cultural factor presenting a challenge to a new student, other cultural factors may become a barrier too. But with time, these challenges are overcome as you become used to the place.

• Feeling like an Outsider
Arriving at a completely new place also presents the challenge of not knowing anyone. While consultancy services and the university and college officials will help you in this by, for example, including you in social clubs and connecting you with college fraternities, sometimes a feeling of being an outsider will storm you. But this is also a challenge that you can overcome after you have spent some time in your place of study, as there are others like you who are looking to connect with people. A shared group therefore comes to befriend each other, and your social circle will soon be brimming with friends.

• Different Educational Setup
This is also a big challenge when it comes to arriving in a foreign country. We are brought up in a particular educational set up in which we are used to understanding different aspects of academics like how grades work, how and when the exams are conducted etc. But to get adjusted to a different educations setup also takes some time.

• Challenges with Currency
This one is actually more manageable than the others, as there are a number of services offered both by the governments of the new country and by the university authorities to exchange currency and also for money transfers back home.

Now that we have talked about the challenges, let us talk a bit about the opportunities that will become available to you after studying abroad.

• Excellent Education
This is one of the most and lucrative opportunities that studying abroad affords you. You get to learn from the some of the best professionals and teachers in the world as well as get a chance to get exposed to some of the best and the most industry oriented courses in the world.

• Explore the World
An important part of studying abroad is that you get to explore a new culture and get to see new places. Think about it, how many of us can say that we can speak German, French or Spanish, or how many of us can say that we know the salsa or the samba? These experiences come from studying abroad and exploring a new place.

• Expand your Network
Studying abroad helps you get in touch with people from all over the world, be it your classmates, your teachers or other contacts that you develop during the course of your stay in the country. All these help in expanding your network, and ultimately getting you in touch with the industry’s best and helping you in your career.

• Impress your Employers
Studying abroad will turn your resume into a powerful and impressive one, and what more do potential employers ask for? An education abroad will therefore make you an excellent candidate for whatever jobs you apply for!