Scholarships for Indian Students

Top Scholarships for Indian Students to Study Abroad

In India, education at the graduation and Post-graduation level is highly valued. A post-graduation degree from a top university offshores is considered a great prestige. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a total of 1.5 million and above students are studying abroad as of this year.

Foreign universities are chosen for a multitude of reasons spanning from expertise in the subject, exposure, and better opportunities for experience, but it is not always easy to sail through considering the procedures, and processes that need to be taken care of; the costs, passport and visa, language proficiency tests, and the admission sequence.

In this blog, we will outline the various forms of financial aid available in scholarships for Indian students looking to Study abroad.

What are Scholarships?

Scholarships are financial aid provided to students, or exemptions on tuition and education fees. According to the web search, a scholarship is a grant or payment made to support a student’s education, that is awarded based on academic or other achievement. Scholarships can be categorized into different kinds based on the coverage of the cost, and the reason for the provision.

Popularly, scholarships can be provided in one of the following two ways:

  1. Monthly or yearly stipend given to cover academic, tuition, material, and accommodation costs.
  2. Tuition exemption is based on the semester or yearly pattern.

Types of Scholarships:

  1. Tuition scholarship encompasses the total cost concession on academic fees, and or the provision of stipends to cover academic costs and expenditures on academic materials.
  2. Part-time scholarships are particularly for students pursuing a part-time degree like Executive MBA.
  3. Complete scholarships often known as full-ride scholarships cover room and boarding, food, study material and tuition costs.

Based on the basis of the provision of scholarships, the scholarships are:

  1. Merit-Based Scholarship: These are provided to the student based on academic performance, excellence in specific standardized tests, or based on special academic talents.
  2. Sports Scholarship: Also known as athletic scholarship, this is a provision for students excelling in athletic activities, and sports tournaments. They are provided to enable the students to pursue their education while continuing their athletic endeavors.
  3. Special Achievement Scholarship: This is awarded to students who accomplish distinction in specific subjects ranging from Mathematics, Music, Art, Physics, and so on. These are broadly classified into STEM scholarships, Creative scholarships, and Subject-specific scholarships. Career-specific scholarships in the fields of business applied science, technology, and medicine are also provided to students undertaking the specific course.
  4. Scholarships for the Specially-Abled: These are provided for students who are differently abled or to those who hold a disability card, but meet the minimum requisite to be able to pursue education. Need-based scholarships for individuals facing financial difficulties are also provided.
  5. Scholarship for Specific Quotas: These scholarships are provided to individuals based on quotas reserved for students of a certain nationality, religion, minority, or military background, and girl-child scholarships are provided for women students. Scholarships for National and International students also vary based on the coverage of costs, and the citizenship of the student.

It is essential to be aware of the multiple types and categories of scholarships so that you can have a clear idea about the ones you can apply for and qualify for. Moving ahead, let us take a look at the top countries for Indian students to study abroad, the top universities and the scholarships provided.

Indian Scholarships for Indian Students to Study Abroad

There are certain Government and Private study abroad scholarships provided to Indian students pursuing their education overseas.

● Indian Government through the Ministry of Education facilitates the process of scholarship provision under foreign cultural exchange programs. Usually, these scholarships are awarded to Indian students pursuing their higher education at Master’s, PhD, or Post-Doctoral studies.

● The private scholarships include those provided by groups like Tata, and Mahindra, university-specific scholarships as a part of the partnership or MOU’s. Sponsorship is also present wherein institutions cover the cost of study and tuition in return for joining as an employee.

● To understand which scholarships you can qualify for, the first step is the selection of the course, the country, and the university. Depending on that, and a discussion with your study abroad consultant, you can apply for a scholarship by visiting the official websites.

Top Destinations and Scholarships to Study Abroad

  1. Australia: The best top-ranking universities include the University of Melbourne, the University of New South Wales, and the University of Queensland.

A. Australia awards scholarships provided by the government of Australia applicable to students from the Indo-Pacific region aiming to pursue their master’s or Doctorate studies in Australia.
B. Other Australian scholarships include Monash University International Scholarships, University of Melbourne graduate research scholarships, and Adelaide Scholarship International.

  1. Dubai: The most popular universities in Dubai are the University of Wollongong in Dubai, the British University of Dubai, and the University of Dubai.

A. Dubai Scholarship Program provides Indian students with a scholarship that covers tuition fees and in some cases living expenses. These are provided based on Merit, and Need.
B. Scholarships by Dubai universities are provided to students with academic excellence, or based on financial support required. Notable amongst them are scholarships provided by the University of Dubai, American University in Dubai, and Heriot-Watt University Dubai.
C. The cultural exchange programs also provide funding opportunities to Indian students studying in Dubai.

  1. Germany: With more than 50 universities ranking in the top 1000 universities across the world, Germany’s best universities include Technische Universität München, Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg, and Universität Hamburg.

A. The DAAD Scholarship is an all-encompassing funding for International students at the Undergraduate, Graduate, and Postgraduate levels.
B. The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Scholarship also provides the same benefits for International students.
C. Other scholarships include the Erasmus Program, the Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarship, and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship amongst many other.
D. By far, Germany is one of the top countries for Indian students to study abroad as it covers the overall tuition, living expenses, and sometimes even funded internships.

  1. Ireland: Ireland’s policy for foreign students makes it an attractive destination to study abroad. The top universities are the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland and Maynooth University.

A. Government of Ireland Postgraduate, and Internal graduate scholarships cover the total tuition fees and provides a stipend for living expenses.
B. Irish aid scholarships cover travel costs in addition to tuition fee reduction and living expenses
C. University College Dublin, University College Cork, and Trinity College Dublin also provide scholarships for Indian students on the basis of merit and need.

  1. The UK: The UK proudly hosts 8 colleges in the top 100 universities across the globe. The University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, and University of Edinburgh are on top of the list.

A. The Chevening Scholarship provided by the government of UK covers tuition, air fare, and living cost for up to a year, and are specifically given to students pursuing a Masters degree
B. Commonwealth Scholarships are also provision able to Indian students and are awarded on the basis of merit. They too, cover tuition, living, and travel expenses.
C. University of Oxford Scholarship, University of Cambridge Scholarship, Imperial College London Scholarship are some of the other scholarships provided in the UK for Indian students

  1. The USA: By far, the record for the highest number of top-ranking universities is held by the USA. With 9 colleges in the top 10 universities across the globe list, Harvard University, Stanford University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology make it into the top 3.

A. American Association of University Women scholarship covers the tuition and other expenses of graduate and postgraduate women students from other countries including India.
B. The Fullbright Nehru Scholarship covers all costs right from tuition, expenses, travel, and other finances under the United States-India Educational Foundation.
C. Other University Scholarships in America include Tata Scholarship for Cornell University, Harvard University Scholarship, Stanford University Scholarship and multiple other.

These countries apart, New Zealand, France, Singapore, Canada, and the Netherlands are great options to consider to study abroad.

To read more about scholarships, living costs, and admissions to foreign universities visit our blogpage at Study Overseas Help.